Wednesday 7 July 2010


Or, version 2.0?

So, it has been over a year since I last posted here. I don't actually know why I didn't follow up on the MS E3 conference with the planned Sony and Nintendo dissections, but I'm sure I had a good reason to not do what I was supposed to. There were probably too many games to play, or too many other things to talk about, or I was just too lazy. (All genuine reasons!)

So, recap : Sony showed off the Wagglewand (later christened 'Move'), and Nintendo showed a lot of rubbish. A year on, and MS have rechristened Project Natal to 'Kinect' and turned into Nintendo 3 years ago. Sony have done more with Move, but also a lot with 3D. They are still unmistakeably Sonyish, and still seem to not quite know what to do with the PS3. And Nintendo? They only went and wowed the whole bloomin' world with a new console, the much expected and heavily vaunted 3DS.

It really does look like they have trumped the others once more. The 3DS basically offers 3D without the need to adorn some stupid goggles. Now, a lowly scumbag like me doesn't get invited to swanky press events, so I have had to rely on what I have been able to dig up on youtube, but even that looks bloody impressive! Put it this way; if they package this thing for less than £200, they will clean up. Another license to print money, on top of the multiple licenses they already have.

Gameswise, E3 treated us to much of what we already knew about. Rage, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Gears 3, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, and all the other blockbusters. All of which looked as shiny as we all expected them to. Nintendo once more raided their back catalogue, and so we got new Zelda footage. We also got a couple of new oldies, like Donkey Knog Country Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn, both of which look infinitely more exciting than Call of Duty : Who Cares.

That's the lot for this one. I am aware that I often write too much, and so this time I wish to keep my posts more succinct.

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